East Coast 33kV Line Rebuild - Stage One: Caseys Road to Kaparu Road

What: 33kV Line Rebuild
Caseys Road over Kaparu Road to SH1, Grassmere
24 January 2022 – 4 May 2023
Replacement of ageing infrastructure

What are we doing?

Marlborough Lines Limited (MLL) is installing new poles and conductor from Caseys Road over Kaparu Road to SH 1. MLL will then remove the existing 33kV line (i.e., conductor and poles). This is stage one of multiple stages in replacing the 33kV line between Caseys Road and Ward.

How will we do it?
MLL will first establish all access tracks, bench in pole sites, and complete the required arborist work for the new line corridor. Once this is complete, the new poles are transported to each pole site by helicopter.

The next phase of construction is to erect the new poles, fly the draw wire for the new line, and then pull the new conductor through. The old 33kV line will then be removed and site remediation of all the pole sites and access tracks to finish the project.

How will this affect you?
Minimal disturbance to the public. MLL will require the shutdown of the 11kV line into Caseys Road and Kaparu Road during conductor pulling operations.

Traffic impacts
Controlled access at the entry to Caseys Road and Kaparu Road during conductor pulling operations.

Property access and parking
Not applicable.

Other impacts
There are no other known impacts.

Where can you get more information?
MLL will provide more information and updates throughout the project via website updates.

If you would like to be emailed this information, please email project manager Brad Watson at brad.watson@mll.co.nz with 33kV Grassmere Project – Stage One in the subject line.

Thank you to the local community for your patience and understanding while we complete this work.