Transporting a High Load
If you’re transporting high loads across different line company boundaries, you only need to make one application.
A high load consent is required when transporting loads with an overall height of 4.8m and higher. This is to ensure safe transportation for both the transporter and the general public.
We’ve joined other lines companies from the South Island in a collaborative application and consent process for the transporting of high loads across the multiple regions.
Powerline.co.nz has been designed to make it easier for you to submit one application for a high load consent rather than contacting multiple lines companies, especially when your high load involves crossing over the boundary of several line companies.
Once an application is submitted via the Powerline website, the affected lines companies will be emailed with the particulars of your application.
Click here to apply on Powerline’s website.
More information regarding good practice for the safe transport of high loads is available in the Electricity Engineers’ Association “Guide for Transport of High Loads through Electricity Network Areas in New Zealand”.