Celebrating 100 Years of Energising Marlborough
Since its inception in 1923, Marlborough Lines Limited has been at the heart of our region’s homes, businesses and communities. A century later, we are proud to reflect on some of the challenges and triumphs of the past 100 years.
The predecessor of Marlborough Lines, the Marlborough Electric Power Board, was established on 23 October 1923, to bring “power to the people”. In 1993 it became Marlborough Electric and is now Marlborough Lines Limited.
Marlborough Lines and the Marlborough region have undergone many transformations over the past 100 years. With a widespread population spanning some geographically challenging areas from remote parts of the Marlborough Sounds to the East Coast and everywhere in between, keeping up with demand for electricity has had its challenges. Through earthquakes, severe weather events and an ever-growing population, Marlborough Lines has always responded to meet demand.
Marlborough Lines CEO Tim Cosgrove says from humble beginnings, to becoming a vital pillar of the community, Marlborough Lines has witnessed tremendous growth, evolution and transformation.
“From the installation of the first power lines, to the implementation of cutting-edge technologies, we have continuously adapted to meet the ever-changing energy landscape,” Cosgrove says.
“As we embark on our second century, we are mindful of the challenges that lie ahead. Rapid advancements in technology, the imperative of de-carbonisation and the evolving expectations of our consumers. I am confident that our experience, expertise, and the passion of our team will empower us to navigate these complexities and continue to provide outstanding service to our community.”

Marlborough Energised Event
To celebrate our 100-Year milestone and the company’s ongoing commitment to the Marlborough community, we were excited to bring a spectacular light and visual event, Marlborough Energised, to Blenheim for the first time.
This exciting, interactive lighting display from Illuminate was held in beautiful Pollard Park in central Blenheim over three nights from 12-14 April 2024. Photos from the event below.

Marlborough Lines Generation Museum
On the same weekend, Marlborough Lines’ Generation Museum on the corner of Thomsons Ford and Old Renwick Roads was open to the public to view our new museum area and a vintage Paxman engine in operation.
The 68 tonne Paxman diesel engine, capable of producing 430kW, was installed in 1930 to generate back-up power and is the only engine of its kind in the world that is still operable.
Marlborough Lines Centenary Book
A book, Marlborough Energised – Marlborough Electric Power Board to Marlborough Lines 1923-2023, detailing the milestones and trials encountered by Marlborough Lines over the past century, has been written by Marlborough local Cynthia Brooks. The book serves as a testament to the stories of countless individuals, dedicated employees, loyal consumers, and supportive stakeholders who have contributed to the success of the company. To purchase a copy of Marlborough Energised visit us at our Alfred Street office.
Major Milestones
To view the impact Marlborough Lines has had and continues to have on the region view our major milestones over the past 100 years below.
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