Changing your electricity retailer?
Moving properties? Please let your existing electricity retailer know and give an end date for electricity services at your old address.
Whichever electricity retailer you choose for your new address, you’ll need to let them know your new address and the date you’d like services to start. A list of electricity retailers currently operating in the Marlborough region are:
2degrees ➔
Contact Energy ➔
Ecotricity ➔
Electric Kiwi ➔
Flick Electric ➔
Frank Energy ➔
Genesis Energy ➔
GloBug ➔
Kakariki Power ➔
Kea Energy ➔
Manawa Energy ➔
Megatel ➔
Mercury ➔
Meridian Energy ➔
Nova Energy ➔
Octopus Energy ➔
Power Edge ➔
Powershop ➔
Prime Energy ➔
Pulse Energy ➔
Simply Energy ➔
Wise Pre-Pay ➔
Medically dependent on electricity?
Do you depend on electricity for medical or health reasons? If so, you need to have a backup plan in case there is an electricity outage. Call 111 if you are feeling unwell or you do not have a backup plan in place.
Please ensure you have advised your electricity retailer that you are medically dependent. Their contact details will be on your electricity invoice.
The Electricity Authority’s website has further information on medically dependent consumers, click below for more information:
Medically dependent consumers — Electricity Authority (ea.govt.nz)
How to find a suitable pricing plan
You can use the online service Powerswitch, developed by Consumer NZ, to help you work out which electricity retailer offers the best pricing plan to suit your needs.