Electricity Emergencies
If lines have fallen or there’s potential danger call our 24/7 fault line 03 577 7007 and keep everyone clear of the area.
Fallen lines or damaged poles
Call us on 03 577 7007 or call 111.
Treat all power lines as live at all times.
Keep yourself, other people and animals at least 10m away from the line.
Do NOT touch or try to move a fallen line, tree branches, cars or other objects that are touching or close to a fallen line.
Be aware that damaged poles may fall and bring the lines down with them.
Lines on vehicles
If a vehicle has hit a pole and brought down the power lines the vehicle may be “alive” and anyone touching it could be electrocuted.
Stay in the vehicle until help arrives and the line has been made safe.
If you are in danger and must exit the vehicle, jump clear of the vehicle keeping your feet together when you land. NEVER touch the ground and the vehicle at the same time. Once clear of the vehicle shuffle away, keeping your feet together until you are at least 10m away.
Damaged underground cables
Do NOT try to make repairs yourself.

DIY Home Electrical Work
If you’re building a new house or thinking about renovating, please contact a licensed electrician to find out what is required for the electrical work. To connect a new house or building to our electricity network advice from an electrician is essential. For information on how to Get Connected click here.
By law you can carry out certain electrical work in the home you own or occupy. The work can include repairing home appliances or changing home wiring (excluding electrical work on rental properties you might own), and must comply with the following New Zealand standards:
Fixing electrical problems around your home or installing additional outlets may save on costs – but a lack of knowledge could cost someone their life. Always seek advice from a licensed electrician if you’re unsure.