Large Distributed Generation
Follow the steps below to start or alter an electricity network connection for your solar panels, batteries or renewable energy system. As part of the connection process, we’ll check if the local network can support your proposed system to work effectively.
Large Distributed Generation is defined as any size system connected to MLL’s HV network.
How to apply for connection
To ensure our electricity network can support the connection of your system, you need to apply for a new DG connection with us. As technical information is required, it’s a good idea to have your electrician or electrical consultant complete the application on your behalf.
Large Distributed Generation will follow the Part 2 Application pathway. These pathways are prescribed by the Electricity Authority.
Information on the pathway is detailed in section 2.3 of our DG Connection Policy.
For Distributed Generation connected to MLL’s high voltage network you should apply using the initial application form: F128 - HV DG Connection Initial Application Form
Once we receive your complete application, we will raise an invoice for the appropriate amount and send it to the person nominated in the application. Our fees are outlined in section 3.1 of our DG Connection Policy.
After we have received payment, we’ll start reviewing your application.
MLL will review your application and provide information to the applicant about the connection. This information is prescribed in section 12, schedule 6.1, part 6 of the Code. We will list any technical studies that shall be completed by the applicant in our response.
Prior to receiving an approved Final Application, we recommend not to invest significantly in a DG project given the variables present.
You must not connect your distributed generation to the MLL network without written approval.
Note: Even though someone may be acting on your behalf, the contract that is formed by proceeding with the connection is between the customer and MLL, and it is important you understand your connection contract.
The Final Application form captures the finalised design and control settings that will meet our standards. It will also include answers to any requirements we provided in our response to the Initial Application.
A Final Application can be made using the form: F129 - HV DG Connection Final Application Form
Once MLL is satisfied the system complies with our connection standards, we will issue notice of final approval. The default regulated terms found in Schedule 6.2 of the Code will apply unless a connection contract is negotiated.
You must not connect your distributed generation to the MLL network without written approval.
Note: Even though someone may be acting on your behalf, the contract that is formed by proceeding with the connection is between the customer and MLL, and it is important you understand your connection contract.
Following written notice of approval to connect, you may begin installation or alterations to your system.
Important: Your installer must leave your system switched off until the metering has been replaced or programmed to measure export and any required commissioning has been completed.
DG installations require an electrical inspection by a registered Electrical Inspector as it is defined as high risk prescribed electrical work in the Electricity (Safety) Regulations.
The DG system will also require testing and commissioning. The requirements vary depending on the DG system capacity. These are detailed in our Connection and Operation Standard (below).
We may visit your premises to inspect your system to confirm it matches your application and meets safety and electrical standards. We may inspect your system after installation, as part of an audit, or if there's potential for your system to have an impact on our network.
It's important that any system changes such as changing settings, swapping your inverter, or adding panels or batteries are approved by us before an installer makes the changes. You'll need to submit a new application for these changes.
MLL is responsible for ensuring that it has plans and records of DG installations to ensure the safe and reliable operation of our network. The testing and commissioning report and supporting documentation (detailed in our standards) must be returned to MLL within the required timeframe.
The commissioning and documentation requirements are outlined in our Connection and Operation Standard (below).
Technical standards and useful links
Distributed Generation connected to MLL’s network at High Voltage (HV) will need to comply with:
Other links: