Our Vision, Mission & Objectives
The energy landscape is rapidly changing, and MLL sees this as an opportunity to challenge the status quo, transform our business, and move forward with a vision that resonates with all our stakeholders.
Our vision is:
Energising Marlborough’s Future
Changes in the energy environment such as EVs, electrification of transportation, solar generation, will increase demand on the MLL network and require future thinking and great planning. The changes have us challenging key network assumptions to ensure the elimination of potential barriers and bringing forward future projects that enable demand growth, while also investing in generation projects that will be utilised to provide value to consumers and target energy equity.
Our team is ready to energise the Marlborough community, not only by delivering our core function of reliable distribution of electricity, but also through sponsorships, employment, education, and positive financial and environmental outcomes.
Supporting our vision, our mission is to:
Deliver sustainable regional growth and equity through people, technology, and environmental leadership.
From our mission we have developed six strategic objectives to provide clarity and focus for the different areas of our business:
Our people
Provide a workplace where our people are valued, engaged, and inspired to deliver positive personal and Company outcomes for the benefit of all consumers.
Improve energy equity and support regional growth through education, employment, sponsorship, and investments.
Minimise our environmental footprint through operational efficiencies, reducing net carbon emissions, and supporting regional environmental initiatives.
Technology and innovation
Empower our consumers and region by deploying technology and commercial innovation to accelerate electrification and provide for future load growth.
Financial objectives
Deliver value to all of our consumers through efficient operations and investment success.
Optimise our assets to provide a flexible, dynamic, and resilient network to accommodate future technologies and promote regional growth.

Who Are We?
MLL manages Marlborough’s electricity distribution network, which is located at the top of the South Island of New Zealand. We have a team of approximately 170 people and are based in Blenheim, the largest town in the Marlborough region.
With a population of approximately 52,000 people, New Zealand’s largest wine region, a moderate climate, and beautiful surroundings, Marlborough is a great place to live and work in. Marlborough is also known for aquaculture, farming, forestry and tourism.
To view a map of MLL’s network click here and to see how MLL fits into New Zealand’s electricity system click here.
MLL is owned by the Marlborough Electric Power Trust, which holds the shares in the company on behalf of its 26,000+ beneficiaries – those installations connected to the network, which means both the current and future electricity users in the Marlborough region.
The Marlborough Electric Power Trust is made up of six elected trustees, three of whom are elected on a two-yearly rotational basis. The trustees don’t have any direct involvement in the operation of MLL. Their role includes appointing the company directors, conferring with the directors on the MLL’s Statement of Corporate Intent and monitoring the performance of the company against the SCI targets and objectives, and receiving and distributing dividends from the company.
For further Trust related information contact Brenda Munro, Trust Secretary, phone 03 577 5674, or visit the Marlborough Electric Power Trust website.
MLL is part of a Group structure that includes Marlborough Lines Limited (MLL), our subsidiary Yealands Wine Group, and a 50% share of Nelson Electricity. We are required by the Energy Companies Act 1992 to operate as a successful business, and we aim to achieve this in both financial and operational terms.
MLL operates a field services division which undertakes construction and maintenance of MLL’s electricity distribution network assets and connects customers to our network.
Nelson Electricity is an electricity distribution business that delivers electricity to the city of Nelson.
Seaview Capital Limited is a holding company for its non- electricity distribution related investments.
Yealands Wine Group is one of New Zealand’s major wine producers and exporters.
Energy Marlborough Limited is a recently established entity with the objective of establishing renewable electricity generation.