We welcome your feedback on any recent services we’ve provided.
Complete our form below to send us a query or call us on 03 577 7007.
24 Hour Power Supply Faultline ➔
03 577 7007
Submit an enquiry ➔
Postal Address
Customer Services, Marlborough Lines
PO Box 144
Blenheim 7240
Physical Address
Marlborough Lines
1 Alfred Street
Blenheim 7201
Marlborough Lines Field Services
Taylor Pass Road
Blenheim 7201
Your Feedback
We value our consumer’s feedback
If you have any feedback, compliments or if you feel you have been unfairly treated in your dealings with MLL, or our staff, please follow our in-house complaints process below:
If you have a concern, this is the process to follow:
Contact us via the online form and include details of your concern.
When the complaint has been received by MLL we’ll provide acknowledgement within two days.
MLL will then investigate and endeavour to resolve your concern, where possible within seven working days, and advise in writing where appropriate.
If, after 20 working days, a resolution is not achieved you’ll be advised and you may subsequently decide to take your concern to Utilities Disputes Ltd.
Telephone 03 577 7007
Postal address
Customer Services
Marlborough Lines
P O Box 144
Blenheim 7240
Send us your query on our online form

Utilities Disputes Information
Marlborough Lines is a member of Utilities Disputes Limited.
Utilities Disputes offers a free and independent service to assess complaints that cannot be resolved between the complainant and the utility provider (MLL).
Utilities Disputes can be contacted at:
Free Phone: 0800 22 33 40