33kV Line Rebuild & Cable Installation - Jacksons Switchroom to Tapp Substation
What: 33kV line rebuild and new cable installation
Where: Overhead Overhead line rebuild from Jacksons Switchroom on Old Renwick Road to SH6. Cable along SH3 to Boyce Street, Renwick
When: FY 2023
Why: Completion of the 33kV meshing programme
What are we doing?
Renewing the existing overhead line between Jacksons Switchroom and SH6 with new poles, hardware and conductor. This will also include an OPGW circuit for protection. From SH6 new 33kV underground cables will be installed to connect to cables that were laid into Boyce Street as part of the Tapp Substation work.
How will we do it?
MLL line design team are planning cable routes and line rebuild components and will consult with any affected landowners. The construction and cable installation will be done in house by MLL Field Services.