Woodbourne Substation - New 33kV Switchroom & Removal of Outdoor Switchyard
What: New 33kV Switchroom
Where: Woodbourne Substation – Old Renwick Road
When: FY 2022 – Design and planning. FY 2023 – Construction and commissioning
Why: Part of the 33kV meshing programme
What are we doing?
MLL are planning to build a new 33kV switchroom at the back of the Woodbourne Substation site. This will house new switchgear, including new cables in and out of the substation to remove the existing tee connections. Once commissioned, the existing outdoor switchyard can be removed, and the site access reformed to provide safer access in and out.
How will we do it?
Tesla Consultants are undertaking the detailed design for the new switchroom and electrical systems. The new switchgear was tendered and subsequently won by ABB.
MLL line design team are planning cable routes and line alterations to bring the new circuits into the substation grounds and will consult with affected landowners. The building construction will go out for tender once design is complete.All electrical work including cable installation and removal of the redundant switchyard will be done by MLL field services.